A slightly insignificant bug: if you antagonize Hightower's team you can pacify them by killing Dogmeat on the Heights map. Fallout 1 has two movement modes: real-time and turn-based. The two types of power armour raise your ST by 3 to a maximum of 10. RadAway won't help you now, so if you saved the game in between soaking up lethal radiation and dying from it, you'll have to look for an earlier save and continue from there. Fight him one on one (without weapons, Stimpaks and stuff). Whee. (Luckily they forget to pack the Necklace.) I always suspected the Vault Dweller to be an android. Also people won't always be hostile if you run to an exit grid and then come back. Harry is the only one who'll react to your presence. Talk to Talus about equipment and you'll be able to check out Brotherhood Armor and three clips of a non-energy ammo type of your choice (he'll never give you any more ammo after that no matter how long you wait). When you use it to tag a skill, it will raise the skill level by the same amount you already raised the skill, including bonuses gained during play, plus 20%. Also you cannot intimidate them even though they have the same lines of dialogue as Kalnor. If you talk to Tandi and manage a favourable reaction she can put Junktown on your world map and tell you a spooky story about the deathclaw. Doing this will stop any more deathclaws from spawning. Skills: Small Guns 65%, Unarmed 80%, Melee Weapons 85%, Throwing 50%. Also if the Skul who's supposed to hit Trish hasn't appeared on the map when you first talk to Neal, the sequence will never happen. Two glitches are related to this. In the room above the mainframe you can find an alien skeleton behind a broken suspension tank, but it has nothing in it. Failing all else you can use Falche to raise your stats, but remember to put things right again afterwards, or you will be (even more of) a dirty cheater. They'll turn off if you move to another map, though (which really only affects Stealth Boy usage). Once you agree, you're teleported to the farm. Upset vault citizens on level 2 will tell you to come to Theresa's room at 17.00. Jain is the robed woman; talking to her does little. NPCs won't turn on you if you accidentally hit them in combat. If you rescued Sinthia, Marcelles will give you an extra night's sleep for free. The trick is that before leaving the character screen you can lower the skill to its previous level (but not below 20% plus your base value), and then spend the points elsewhere. Ho hum. Rhombus isn't much of a conversationalist and will kick you out of the bunker or attack you if you anger him. You can't keep playing after you've finished the game (well, maybe there's not a lot to do). Once the battle is over you get 2000 xp. It may seem like a good investment when you first look at it, but since the xp requirement for each new level rises linearly, even if you get all three slots of Swift Learner you only ever stay at most one level ahead of someone who doesn't ruin their early game wasting invaluable perks, and for that you'll have to wait until level 17! This is because a) the modification to Damage Resistance does not nearly compensate for the much lower base damage, and b) it does not modify Damage Threshold at all. The effect of Night Vision varies depending on the lighting conditions and your number of perk levels. As a rule of thumb, electrical resistances are the same as plasma. On the third Junktown map you'll find an angry dog. It doesn't matter much since it will all be your stuff to redistribute anyway, including the $100; the tricky part about paying him is that you won't have any money at all when you first get here, so you'll have to steal or barter the sum from various peasants (and Ian himself). Talking to Mat and asking about the carts will put Shady Sands, Junktown, Necropolis, the Brotherhood and (for some reason) the Glow on your world map. So, that adds up eventually to a few HP and skill points, for three perks... Do not choose this perk ever, ever, ever, ever! A LOT! By the way, all the box containers on this level and the next are empty. Talk to Lyle or Cindy on level 2 or the water guard on level 3 after at least 30 days have passed and they'll tell you someone's stealing water. He'll follow you but not have enough AP to attack. There's a bug: if you try to haggle and then say you'll accept their price, you will exit dialogue and cannot talk to that person any more (the Junktown healer does not have this bug). But one of their dollars always trades for a dollar's worth of equipment. When Neal arrived behind the counter he drew his gun and blasted the moving Skul at maximum range through a closed door. Now go see what's inside the other lockers. Burned by raiders: Kill Aradesh and Tandi. Only one pack of explosives will go off each turn, and you'll have to deal with the mutants spawning from the corridor in the meantime. You earn 1250 xp if you use Science on the computer just inside and gain the location of the Military Base (even if you have it). There is significantly less humour and what-the-heck playfulness (not all think this is a downside). The guards and Gizmo don't seem to care one bit." Although this is a little too much work for me, it's a pretty innovative use of Steal (which has little quest use except for planting the Bug on Gizmo). (Note that this won't make children appear on already visited maps in existing games, though.) before raising your IN, you'll get skill points based retroactively on your new IN. There are at least two unofficial gore patches (some 30 MB or more in size) which add these back in, though. Combat skills can be improved beyond that for an extra edge until you reach the point where you get the maximum 95% chance to hit against all opponents and from any reasonable range (which takes a bit longer if you practice the art of aimed shots or blows). If you move out of the way of enemies with ranged weapons they will come running to catch up with you, giving your party members free shots at them. This is not supposed to be a be-all and end-all guide to Fallout tactics, just a collection of hints and comments that fit under a common heading. To be absolutely safe, don't read any books during your stay, don't use healing skills, and watch the clock if you do stuff like hack into computers or play chess. If you have NPCs or Follower invaders, you can stand near the secret door and they'll step through it eventually, opening it. Some useful, but too many twists. They also send caravans to Junktown and the Boneyard on the 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th of each month, paying $200. Note that the 14mm Pistol and .223 Pistol use the SMG animation, so Katja or Tandi can use them but not Tycho. Watch this image carefully and write down the keyboard controls that you're interested in. I haven't noticed any significant difference when I've tried this, though. Special: Has the rather pointless ability to pick two of the locks in the game. Now kill him and his two guards, and you'll be able to take $2034 more from the locker in the back and some other stuff from the shelves. Each time you purchase healing from the Children, it lowers the Vault 13 invasion time limit by one day. Playing chess does not make Zax "like you more" or anything like that. Use the extra AP you cannot use to run away from your enemies, so that it will take longer for them to reach you. This battle is tough, not least because of Kane who has four attacks per round and hits hard. Cattle Prod and Flare have the Accurate perk which means they grant a +20% to hit bonus. You can turn on the people in Vault 13 and still carry on with the rest of the game, even finishing it. However, if you tell him you're "not putting down my shooters for nobody" and make a difficult Speech check, he will not initiate combat for any reason after that. I guess his aversion isn't that deeply rooted after all. With the Ranger perk you'll also get less unpleasant encounters. Shoot them. To save a game, click on the button with a circle under [INV], then on SAVE GAME, choose a slot and add a description to your Save. Even if you raise Sneak and Steal to their maximum values you'll still get caught a lot, suggesting your chance of success is capped at 95% before negative modifiers are applied (in fact, testing shows no significant difference between Steal 30% and Steal 200% under pretty normal circumstances). If you come here at night, you get one chance to ask nicely to be let in (IN 5 and a Speech check), or you'll have to wait until morning. Fallout +6 trainer for PC version 1.2 hi-res and supports . In v1.0 one of the more notorious bugs was the NPC multiplication bug, which would have multiple copies of your NPCs appear as a result of saving the game in combat mode. Make sure she doesn't get blocked as she goes to the learning terminal, or you won't be able to use it. Players with the European version of the game don't miss much as they get to meet the merry gang in the Boneyard as usual. You get 900 xp right away, as well as 1 Lock Picks, 2 Flares and 1 Nuka-Cola from Jasmine. Drop it on the ground and return for it once Rhombus is back in his bedroom. "Listen... uh... but I... uh... I-I like guys, okay? If you should have second thoughts, you can reinstall the chip by using it on the computer. Once you get your LK rise, you can talk to him again and you'll still have the option to ask what he does and get another reading (and another LK rise). Once you've been to the Military Base (you can make a quick trip, enter the map and leave, preferably without your NPCs), return and tell him about the mutants for 1500 xp. After 80 days have passed there'll be a member of the Children of the Cathedral on the first Junktown map offering the same kind of healing for money (HP and poison) as in Necropolis. A dash means "don't use this (unless you really, really have to)". You can get a recommendation from Jacob if you ask him about RadAway, or from Lemmy by paying lots of money. You may want to save before picking any lock if your Lockpick skill is not too high. Regroup and terrorize: Enter the raider camp but don't kill enough raiders for the previous ending. Talk to Seth to get to the radscorpion caves. Likewise, Zimmerman will turn hostile after the fight if you manage to keep him safe from the Regulators, but the townspeople don't care if you kill him. Or you could try to talk him down; you'll have to initiate dialogue three times. Awareness: Shows HP, equipped weapon and ammo (a personal preference, I find it very useful). Places where you can get into trouble for trying to loot containers (Raiders, Necropolis, Razlo's bookcase) are mentioned in the walkthrough. Unless you talk to him he'll go into the storeroom and take some water (even if you're standing right next to him). Use the card on the computer and trigger the 3-minute countdown. A miniquest involving Billy and Dan in the Hub, which has been fully scripted but seemingly does not work. You can play a little trick with the Tag! Choose the Pathfinder perk if you run out of time! It doesn't matter how you did get into the town, Kalnor will attack you (after a warning) if you walk close to him during the night and stay in town.
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