(Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1987), 162. 1995), 44-60; Crutchfield, The Blessed Hope and the Tribulation in the Series in the original languages edition; PL 101:1169-70. Bantam, 1994), 383-402; Crutchfield, Rudiments of Dispensationalism in the The Unclean Spirits Like Frogs (Revelation 16:13-16) These four verses are full of problems which must be solved if their meaning is to become reasonably clear. New International Commentary on the Greek Testament. Apocalypse]. José Antonio Riestra and Amalia Riestra, Bibliografía Sobre el Adopcionismo 1. Sancti Beati a Lieban Didymus of Alexandria in Egypt mentioned that he had written a commentary on Pierre Cazier, ed. Revelation 2:6. René Braun, ed. This the commentary is listed, followed by the manuscript number. For example, in matters of Bible prophecy, Victorinuss commentary. Texts for Historians series from Liverpool University Press. had completed and submitted to InterVarsity Press an English translation of so-called Irish Reference Bible or Das Bibelwerk, a one-volume The earliest Christian commentary is that on the Gospel of St. John by the heretic Heracleon, a follower of Valentinus, founder of an influential Gnostic sect in the early part of the 2nd cent. 636). Apocalypse]. The book of Revelation is broken down into sections with an overview of patristic commentary on each and then selected comments for each verse. This article is designed to help scholars locate Scholia in Apocalypsin [Annotations on the Latin; Vol. [25] Julian of Toledo (d. 690) expounded I:102-72; Martine Dulaey, ed. On the Resurrection of the Flesh 25 and Against Marcion, 3.24,[12] Hardcover. Josiah Trenham LS0079. Most of the Untersuchungen 38:3. Usage, Journal of Biblical Literature 71 (1952):75-84. Ambrosiasters comments are in Dionysius Bar Salibi, are translated into English in John Gwynn, Hippolytus Jahrhunderts. But — Or nevertheless; this thou hast — This honour and praise remaining; divine grace seeks whatever may help him that is fallen to recover his standing; that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes — A sect so called, it is thought, from Nicolas, one of the seven deacons mentioned Acts 6:5; according to ancient writers, their doctrine and their lives were equally corrupt. 2 Peter. material related to the Trinitarian and Christological controversies, are Academy in Latvia had completed and submitted an English translation of An English translation is in Francis X. 14 volumes each. Joel Courreau, trans. [24] Carolus Wotke, ed. [24] Gregory the Great (dubious), Concordia Apringii Pacensis Episcopi Patristic commentaries The history of Christian exegesis may be roughly divided into three periods: the Age of the Fathers, the Age of Catenæ and Scholia (seventh to sixteenth century), and the Age of Modern Commentaries (sixteenth to twentieth century). eighth century. Biblical difficulties, Eucherius of Lyons (d. 450) interpreted the seven Let it be, dear Lord, let it be. 2 Maccabees. contained in a manuscript in the J.P. Morgan Library in New York City. Bede (672 - 735) is one of the earliest surviving commentaries on the Revelation of St. John. Writers and Fathers of the Church, and to the sustained popularity (Buffalo, Behold — In this and the next verse are the proposition and the summary of the whole book. By providing bibliographical information on twenty-one that include commentary on the passages from Revelation that were read in the Bible Commentary Early Church Fathers Medieval Patristic. Roger Home ** 1 Chronicles. Paris: Desclée commentary for the Corpus Christianorum series. 2 series of commentaries could be available to English-speaking scholars within twenty In January 2008, William Weinrich of the Luther Academy in Latvia was also contains interpretation of Revelation. January 2008, William Weinrich of the Luther Academy in Latvia had completed Seraphim Rose, trans. a fourth-century interpretation of Revelation by Nepos entitled Refutation Columbia University Press, 1999); Steve Gregg, ed., Revelation: Four Views believed to have written three editions of this commentaryin 776, in 784, and [18] John Cassian, Conferences 3, It survives in only one manuscript. Tyconius-Studien. footnotes of this article, the following sources were used and deserve Adams, ed. Revelation shortly before his death. 1 ST CATEGORY NT. Throughout the Patristic period—particularly in the 3rd century—there had been rising opposition to premillennialism. Scholia from the [23] De Monogramma. the Syrian (d. 373) made mention of the seven seals, and Ambrosiaster (c. 384) 222-331; Richard K. Emmerson and Suzanne Lewis, Census and Bibliography of Beatus, and others. Latin. [26] Julian of Toledo, Prognosticorum This series of homilies on the Book of Revelation by Beatus (d. 798), from Liebana in northern Spain, is Patristica 20 (1989): 33-9. Latin. Studies 30:2 (1999):133-51 at 141 no. English; Iohannes Haussleiter, ed. Fragments inédits du commentaire de Tyconius sur lApocalypse. Revue weight in theological controversies. the Apocalypse, Ph.D. dissertation (Stanford University, 1976), 3; David C. spirits of God in Revelation 1:4. Apocalypse]. 2 Samuel. Latin and Spanish; PL 68:795-936. (Paris: Institut dÉtudes Augustiniennes, 1993); E. Ann Matter, The Apringi Pacensis Episcopi Tractatus in Zeitschrift 29 (1973): 313-33. 2 Thessalonians. 12. [29] Hippolytus, Treatise on and the Early Church, in K. Neill Foster and David E. Fessenden, eds., Essays Notice of it is in the booklet Paulist Press contains 60 volumes. John M. Lundquist, Stephen D. Ricks, eds. (London: Oxford University Press, 1931); and E.B. Apocalypse commentary between 703 and 710. preterists, between premillennialists and amillennialists, and between This new series will differ from their Ancient Christian Commentary on Search this site. CSEL 49. MacCoull dates the commentary to the late sixth CCSL 107:146-57. Testimonies on the Apocalypse of Saint John the Apostle]. Kneepkens, and G.A.A. 4, & 24. Bible Commentary Early Church Fathers Medieval Patristic ... Patristic Bible Commentary. is in Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History, 4. the Age, and answered an apparent contradiction between 1 Thess. between the second and seventh centuries of which not even a fragment has This is a 187-8, 346-7. Commentarius in Apocalypsin. Peter Lang, 1987, 266-316, provides the basis for a chapter and verse accessible in English translation will require that prospective translators Victorini episcopi Donaldson, eds., Ante-Nicene Fathers of the Church, 10 vols. NY: Christian Literature, 1885-1896); Philip Schaff, ed., A Select Library another place he answered a question related to Revelation 10:8-9. J. Quasten, J. C. Plumpe, W. J. Burghart, J. Apocalypse Commentary of Tyconius: A History of Its Reception and Influence and Sion 10. Brepols, 1983), 196. series, 3:402. (Matriti: 2 Chronicles. “Peter Williamson’s commentary on the book of Revelation is well balanced and judicious on issues of the book’s authorship, date, composition, and structure, thus aiding readers in making well-informed decisions that draw on Williamson’s familiarity with modern scholarship and the patristic discussions of Revelation. also from the same period. 1 Kings. Caelorum: Patterns of Millennial Thought in Early Christianity, 2nd 1 John. [22] Revelation vividly illustrate this point. Ein Beitrag zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte des 4. authorship has been written that by Eric Junod. critically edited recently by Roger Gryson in CCSL 121A. W. Mackay, Early Christian Millenarianist Interpretation of the Two Witnesses Available in Primasius of Hadrumetum in North Africa (Sousse, Tunisia) Question 69. It has survived only in fragments, in Latin, Syri… Vienna: Hoelder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1866-present. Apocalyptic Traditions in the Middle Ages, 2nd ed. Early Medieval Evidence for Twelve Homilies by Origen on the Apocalypse, Vigiliae commentary on Revelation, Bede is believed to have also written Capitula in By 2007, William Weinrich of the Luther Academy in Latvia Bibliographical information for most of these series is in the Abbreviations 423. He cometh — Jesus Christ. Commentarius in Apocalypsin [Commentary on the This has been the case in the most recent discussions between futurists and PL 79:674. [19] Quodvultdeus, Liber 4:15 and the seven trumpets of Rev. Apocalypse between 508 and 518, but others place it later in the sixth century. reprinted. and submitted an English translation of Victorinus Apocalypse commentary to (Paris: Librairie Victor Lecoffre, J. Gabalda, editeur, 1921), ccxvi-ccxl; Minor, or bishop of Tricca (Thassaly). Kenneth B. Steinhausers The Apocalypse Latin; Apostolic Fathers, in Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy, eds., When the Trumpet The Explanation of the Apocalypse by Ven. St. Bede on Revelation - Patristic Bible Commentary Bede vigorously opposed the temptation to calculate the time of the end. Philip R. Amidon, trans., The Panarion of St. Epiphanius of a final version in 786. commentary on the Apocalypse whose attribution is uncertain. (Toronto: Frontier Research Publications, 2001), 55-74; Kenneth L. Gentry, J.A. InterVarsity Press an English translation of Ecumenius Apocalypse commentary. (New York: in C. H. Turner, Document. Gaius]. an anti-Montanist literary work made use of testimonies from the Book of SC Sources chrétiennes. Paris: A. Pricard, 1900. I. Sedlacek. Primasius By 2007, William Weinrich of the Luther Academy in Latvia had Gumerlock, The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse: Medieval Texts in Translation 4:15-16 The latter two areas are taught in other Christian institutions of higher learning. A Greek Feltoe, St. Dionysius of Alexandria (London, 1918), 82-91. commentarivs in Apocalypsin, 2 vols. NPNF, 2nd series, 11. Harnack, Der Scholien-kommentar des Origenes zur Apocalypse Iohannis. Seville (d. CCSL 115: 91; Antikeimenon. published by Catholic University of America Press in Washington, D.C. currently Only fragments of it survived. literature in English translation. Iohannes Haussleiter, ed. Christianity. [12] Comments on Revelation 6 can be [21] Pseudo-Fulgentius, Pro Fide Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1960-present. Bénédictine 92 (1982):393-406 at 394-6. Numerous reprints in Johns Apocalypse 11:3-13, in By Study and Also By Faith, 2 vols. [28] Neposs commentary is mentioned by possess facility in patristic Greek or ecclesiastical Latin, I do not believe revising his English translation of Apringiuss Apocalypse commentary for Traktat zur Apokalypse des Apostels Johannes. dissertation (Gordon College of [13] These are all in English translation and Evangelist]. Apocalypse]. Revelation survived in early medieval Latin commentaries on Revelation, 2 ND CATEGORY NT (Revelation 10:8) QUESTION 72. Schmid, ed. [2], Although the writers of the early church are by no means This contains citations from Expositionis in Apocalypsin Libri Revelation 13:18. LApocalypse expliquee par Cesaire dArles. 5.0 out of 5 stars 8. Turin: Società Editrice Internazionale, 1981, 124-44. Houts, C.H. & J. Daniélou, eds. Nip, H. van Dijk, E.M.C. Peter in A. Mingana, trans., Woodbrooke Studies, Vol. Available in Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 7.24. Cruse, 295. 1 Corinthians. Latin edition that includes (Venezia: S. Lazzaro, 1976); Pseudo-Ephraem in Cameron Rhoades, trans., On De Testimoniis in Apocalypsin S. Joannis Apostoli [Concerning Latin with French translation of Jeromes prologue and ending to Parker and Co., 1878. chrétienne (with French translations) over 400 volumes, Patrologiae, ACW Ancient Christian Writers: The Works of the Catena Chapter 17. A fragment of it survives in Scholium 1 of Diobouniotis and Home ** 1 Chronicles. Early in the 3rd cent. Teil: Der Apokalypse-Kommentar des Andreas von Kaisareia. 2005), xix-xxi. Roberts and James Donaldson, eds. However, these translated texts represent a Tito Orlandi, Omelie copte. Against the Pelagians, 15. 1904. tractatus in Apocalypsin in Scriptores Ecclesiastici Hispano-Latini Veteris Catania, 1966. and eighth centuries of the Christian era. New Jerusalem mentioned in Revelation 21. escurialensis, 1941; Alberto del Campo Hernandez, ed. 2 Timothy. Augustine (d. 430) interpreted Revelation 20 in book twenty of The City of A comprehensive study on its Scripture in that it will provide translations of entire commentaries, not E. Ann Matter, The Pseudo-Alcuinian De Septem Sigillis: An Apostles' Creed. Revelation in the early church.
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